8 Children's Medication-Free ADHD Treatment Options

26 October 2022
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that can present challenges in school, at home, and in social situations. While there is no cure for ADHD, there are treatments that can help. Some children with ADHD respond well to medication, but not all. If you are looking for medication-free treatment options for your child with ADHD, here are a few to consider. 

1. Behavior Therapy

One of the most effective treatment options for children with ADHD is behavior therapy. Behavior therapy teaches children how to manage their symptoms and make better choices. It also helps parents learn how to best support their child and set limits on behavior.

2. Parent Training

Parent training helps parents learn more about ADHD and how to better support their children at home. Parent training can include individualized coaching, online courses, or support groups. 

3. School Accommodations

Accommodations can make a big difference for children with ADHD who are struggling in school. Common accommodations include extended time on tests, smaller class sizes, and a quiet place to work. This information should be added to a student's 504 Plan and IEP (Individualized Education Program)  and discussed with your child's teacher and school administrator.

4. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and improve focus for anyone with ADHD, but children respond especially well to it. Exercise can be as simple as going for a daily walk or playing at the park. However, some children may benefit from more structured exercise programs like martial arts or soccer.

5. Chiropractic Care

Many people with ADHD also experience issues with poor posture, tension headaches, and other aches and pains. Chiropractic care can help address these issues by adjusting the spine and relieving pressure on the nervous system. This can also help improve focus, attention, and sleep quality for children with ADHD.

6. Changes in Diet

Certain foods have been shown to exacerbate symptoms of ADHD in some children. Common trigger foods include sugary drinks, processed foods, food additives, and gluten. Try eliminating known trigger foods from your child's diet or working with a registered dietitian to develop a healthy eating plan.

7. Sleep Habits

Everybody needs a good night's sleep. Poor sleep habits can worsen symptoms of ADHD in children. Establishing good sleep habits, such as avoiding screen time before bed and keeping a consistent bedtime routine, can help your child get the rest they need to focus during the day.

8. Stress Management Techniques

Chronic stress can worsen symptoms of ADHD in children and adolescents. Helping your child find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as journaling, deep breathing exercises, or yoga, can help manage symptoms.

If you are looking for children's medication-free ADHD treatment options, try the above techniques until you find what solutions or combination of solutions work for your child.
